Manassas Chiropractic and Physical Therapy
Universal Health & Wellness Center is a center for chiropractic, physical therapy and rehabilitation. Located in Manassas, VA, the center treats pain for a wide range of clients including:
Understanding your pain
Many times people experience pain, but do not know there is a specific, attributable cause their pain can be traced back to. Types of medical issues we treat include:
Creating a custom treatment plan
Once we have determined where the pain comes from, we put together a custom plan of the most effective treatments for a patient’s particular medical condition and physical needs. Every single patient at Universal Health & Wellness Center experiences a targeted and precise approach to treating their particular condition. Through a combination of physical therapy and chiropractic treatments, we can isolate and treat the pain that is interfering with your enjoyment of life.
Furthermore, patients are educated throughout the course of treatment on how to minimize or prevent pain in the future. Our Manassas chiropractors and physical therapists goal is to keep patients healthy, comfortable and pain-free long after they have finished their treatment program at Universal Health & Wellness Center.
At Universal Health & Wellness Center, we really do believe in the power of the human touch. Our patients are treated with the undivided attention of some of the area’s finest chiropractic and physical therapy professionals. The center uses a very hands-on approach to treatment, rather than solely using machines or equipment. Each patient’s recovery is very personal, and we treat it as such by giving each patient the one-on-one attention they deserve.
Life is to be enjoyed. Let us make yours more enjoyable. Contact the Manassas chiropractors and physical therapists of the Universal Health & Wellness Center today.